Membership in the Order of the Southern Cross is by invitation and open to male descendants (direct or collateral) of any honorably serving Confederate soldier, sailor, marine, or member of the civil government. Proof of descent is required, however, membership in the Military Order of the Stars and Bars, Sons of Confederate Veterans, or any other recognized Confederate Heritage Association is accepted as proof of ancestry.
As part of the application process, the prospective member must include with their application a check in the amount of $1,200.00. This money is invested in our Endowment Account from which only the interest is used to provide us with the funds necessary to make yearly financial grants to Confederate preservation projects. The Order of the Southern Cross is a recognized IRS 501(c)(3) organization and the $1,200.00 is considered a contribution and is deductible to the extent allowed by the law. If your application is not approved, the $1,200.00 contribution will be returned to you.
Each applicant’s information will be reviewed by the Membership Committee who will then forward their recommendations to the members for approval. Each application is voted on at the annual meeting of the Order of the Southern Cross. Full membership is bestowed when the inductee is sworn in and presented with his membership medallion and ribbon, lapel pin, and membership certificate at the Order’s annual meeting.
Annual dues are $35.00 per year following your first year of membership. These must be kept current in order to remain active in the organization.
We, the members of the Order of the Southern Cross, are proud of the efforts we have made to preserve our Southern Heritage through our Grants and Educational Programs.
For induction into an upcoming class at the annual meeting, usually held in September or October, the Membership Committee must receive all application materials, including the endowment fund check, by August 15. The Membership Committee will consider applications received after August 15 for the next year’s membership class.
For more information, you can email Charles Kelly Barrow.